Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Out of 10K Pot Limit Holdem Championship

I busted with 15 minutes left in the day. Tough day altogether as I knew it would be. The field was about 275 players and for this event you get the cream of the crop. Every table was a tough one, with your weak spots at the table made up of players who will be the sharks at the table when the Main Event rolls around. The day started out fine, no real hiccups until I got moved tables. I got it in for a 37k pot with Andy Black with AQo on a Q62 board vs his 69...turn 4 river 6 obviously, down to 20k. Chipped back up a bit. Played 44 pretty creatively on a 2356 board to double up to about 60k. was up to 80k or so and things went wrong. I had a bluff that went a little awry and I missed two big draws, where I knew I was up against big hands and, had I hit, I could have won giant pots. The biggest was a pot where I hold j10s on a flop of A89. The original raiser led out, I called, and the SB then also called. This particular player NEVER overcalls here without a monster, so we KNOW (!!!!) 100% he has a set. The turn is the K of hearts. Now I have a flush draw to go along with my straight draw. Somehow they both check to me. Every ounce of you sees all that money in the pot and wants to bet, but it was obvious my bet would only get the money in poorly. I took my free card and missed. The SB fires out 25k and is called by the raiser who has AK, the small blind had a set of eights. So, I feel good that i made a nice check, but at the same time in tournament poker making a good fold doesn't get you any closer to a W. Uggghhhh, show me the 7 of diamonds one time and ship the sherbet!! The other hand I had 53s on a AJ5 two heart board, giving me a pair and a flush draw. The turn and river were bad, and while I never saw the kids hand, I couldn't imagine my 5 being good the way the action went. I finally got the money in for 20 big blinds with A10s to JJ. I actually flopped an ace, but he runnered clubs and I was out with 15 minutes left in the night. Not much you can do, when the table is tough like it was today, you have to be very careful and pick your spots well, and hope a couple things go your way. Today just wasn't my day. Only a couple more tourneys left until the main event, can't wait!!!

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