Friday, June 12, 2009

Chipleader (or close to it) going into Day 2 of the $1500 WSOP event

Today really couldn't have gone much better. I showed up about 15 minutes late because we went out to LAX in Luxor last night and I don't really remember getting home. But perhaps i should play hungover more often. I ran a decent sized bluff for 80& of my chips in the first level which thankfully worked and I was at around 6k after the first two levels despit being quite card dead. I chipped up to 13k when my first big hand came up. A guy who had been limpin a decent amount limped for 200 in early position. I limped in behind with a5s on the button and both blinds came along for a K47 two heart board. Everybody checked to me, I tought about checking but my table had been so weak I decided against it. I fired 350 into the pot. The small blind checkraised to 1250. The SB was the only other decent play at the table, so I had to be careful. But because he's a good player I figured he would have bet out two pair into the pot instead of opting to checkraise. This was good news because now it looks like he's on a draw as well. Considering I have the biggest draw I like where I'm at. I call the 1250 and the turn is te beautiful 3 of hearts, giving me te nuts. He checks and I fire 2100. He jams for about 10k and I snap call. He turned over a smaller flush and the first cooler of the WSOP to go my way is complete. I now have a giant stack and am rolling. But for whatever reason i cannot resist to do a little bluffing. A younger kid raises to 850 and I pop him to 2450 with 75cc. He calls and we see a 236 rainbow flop. I fire out 3150 into the pot and he calls. I bet small for a couple reasons. If he decided to slowplay AA he is always checkraising this flop and I can find out for cheap. The small bet also allows me to make a believeable second barrel bluff on the turn if he calls. The turn is good and bad for me, it pairs the 3. It's bad because hes likely holding 1010 or JJ and this does nothing to scare off those hands. However, he is a thinking player and knows I am as well, so he knows that the 3 is a TERRIBLE bluff card for me, so if I don't have it I will likely slow down. He has about 11k left and I fire 4450 into the pot to put him to a decision for all the marbles. He mucks and I'm back to cruising. I win my first flip of the WSOP with AK to QQ and life is good. I lost a flip with AK to JJ and 3 bet a couple times to keep my stack even. An interesting hand came up. I found AA in the SB and it was folded to me. A seemingly agressive internet kid is in the BB and I know if I raise he will try and flex his muscle and outplay me. Standard operating procedure for a kid who is new to the table. I make it 3k and he callls, flop is 66Q two hearts. I lead out 3750 and he goes to 12k. He can have a 6 here, but its quite unlikely hed play it this fast on thsi board. He never plays a queen like this. The onyl actual hand I can put him on besides a stone cold bluff is a flush draw, but because we're so deep I don't think he'd play it this fast and risk me raising him off his hand. So at this point it's tough for me to really put him on anythign of any value. I call and the 4 of heart turns off completing the flush. I have black aces so the hearts are annoying but we'eve pretty much ruled out him having any real hand. He never has the ace of hearts here either because there is no way he's just calling my SB raise with an ace in his hand. At this point the plan is to call off every chip we have no matter what lol. He fires 18k and we take a minute and make the call. The queen of spades hits the river. Now, if he barrels the river we are beating him in the pot, because there is ZERO chance he ever has a queen here te way the hand plays out, and it's very tough for him to bet a 6 because it looks like I 100% have a queen here. Unfortunately he checks the river and mucks his hand pretty quickly. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, but I managed to chip up nicely while the money bubble was going on and ended the day at 134.7k, which either puts me in the chip lead, or real close to it. play starts at 2 PM tomorrow. See ya then...

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