Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Day in Vegas

So, last night was pretty boring. I was up all night because the poker room didn't close down until 2 AM back in Michigan. I stayed up and caught the 8:45 AM flight to Vegas. I tried to sleep on the plane, but the dude next to me found it imperative to play the loudest most annoying pocket blackjack game for like 3 hours straight. When i got in Sarah was the only person in the house, and she went to go run some errands, so I passed out for the rest of the night. Today's tournament started off well, working my stack up to around 15k with 100-200 blinds. Then I proceeded to run KK into AA, and AQs into AK in a big blind button confrontation. My final hand came when I shoved 2400 in the cutoff with A9s and the big blind woke up with AK, gg. Came back and played cash games online for about 4 hours and did pretty well. Jay and I made a bet that neither one of us would drink for the rest of the trip. We went to dinner and both immediately agreed that it was a stupid bet and ordered a round of dos equis!! Scotty me n Jay gambles for who'd pay the bill and Jay lost, so ship the free dinner. Right now we're taking turns watching YouTube videos of the most interesting man in the world. Tomorrow is the 1500 6 handed event. I have made my living playing 6 handed 5-10 and 10-20 for 6 years now, so needless to say i am looking forward to this event. Hopefully the coolers and bad beats can sty at bay and I can make a deep run. Until that time....


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