Monday, June 22, 2009

26th birthday and a lul in tourneys (kinda long I was bored)

Well, i'm 26 now. I'm officially a dinosaur as far as the poker world goes. Pretty low key as far as celebrating went. Scotty was on the grill, cookin up literally whatever would fit on a bun, including potatoe salad and hot sauce. Our favorite activity seems to be sitting in the hottub drinking beer, though ping pong is quickly becoming a close second. I was pretty terrible at ping pong when i got here, but am starting to pick the game up. I'm down to Scotty right now, but considering we spotted him 5 games while I learned I'll take it. I prop bet Jay $500 to shave his head like a 40 year old balding man. It is pretty rediculous looking, worth every penny. Tomorrow the plan is to go golfing. Obviously I'm not much of a golfer, but riding around on the cart with Shane and making prop bets is definately more fun than swinging the clubs. Last week we went, and betting on Scotty proved to be profitable for me. As long as Scotty shoots well the Coronas and dinner tab will be on me again. He did play about 40 games of ping pong tonight so the horse may be a little sore. Gotta see how the champ is feeling in the AM before I throw more coin on him.
Tomorrow will be another day of rest because Tuesday is the 10k Pot Limit Holdem tournament. I have only played two tournaments since my final table and have not done anything in either of them. I am looking forward to this one because it will be a smaller field (though much tougher) than the tourneys I have been playing, and they are starting you out with 30k in chips. I am not sure how i feel about the antes not being in playing because it is Pot limit. I have always been a loose agressive player who likes to play a lot of pots, but given that there should be about 7 out of 10 players at the table in this event playing the exact same strategy it is oftentimes very difficult to play that way effectively. My image has also been something i have to pay a lot more attention to this year. After the TV coverage from last year more players are aware of who I am this year, so they are paying attention to how I play more. Most people assume I'm bluffing and am a typical free-wielding internet nut. So depending on the table and how I'm running it's my job to either live up to this expectation or tighten up to relieve people of that idea. Which brings me to another thought from the WSOP. I find many people unwilling to adjust their game when they get to a table. Many people label themselves as either loose or tight players and feel they need to stick with that strategy to the bitter end. The best players in the game know this is not the way to win. Depending on when you played with me during this WSOP I have been either an absolute maniac or one of the biggest nits you will ever see. It is all a combination of how people are playing at the table, and of course the cards. At certain tables it is right to open any two cards blind when the action is folded to you. Against weaker players who are playing push/fold poker the quality of the hand you hold is far less important than the spot in which you hold it. However with better players who are wlling to see flops in position and make plays it becomes very unprofitable to be using this strategy. You will only find yourself banging your head against a wall or getting into some very difficult spots after the flop rolls out. Changing gears, with so many people knowing so much more about Holdem and poker theory in general, has become the single most important factor in beating your table. Some of the times I've been successful this year has been because i've managed my image well, and the same can be said forwhen i haven't. Some people don't agree with me about this being that important, but you're reading my blog, so i'm hoping you're not one of them!! Hopefully Garrett posts this soon as i am still unable to figure out how to directly load this onto Also, I will be talking to Joe about the signup sheet for lessons, as I've had a handful of people asking me about it. I'm still not sure how I am going to run them. At least for a little while when i get back from the WSOP I will be doing them free based on people who sign up. We'll see how good my teaching skills are though. I've mentored a lot of people who have gone on to become successful poker players, but as far as the one on one lessons go i'm still debating as to the best way to go about making them work. I know one of the biggest things will be me watching you for a while. It's tough to teach someone what they're doing right or wrong if you've never seen them play. So, if you're signing up for lessons, be ready to be critiqued!!! You can critique my coaching in a year when you're making millions :). Off to bed. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE...

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