Saturday, June 6, 2009

On to day 2 of the 2500 event

Even though I made day 2, I feel this was the worst I have played yet in the WSOP. I stayed up till 6 am playing online the night before and was exhausted most of the day. When my ipod finally died halfway through the day, I kind of lost my mind. I was up to 20k then down to 5k then back up to 18k, before ending at the dinner break with 8k with 200-400 blinds. When I came back I was looking to play fast and get ahold of some chips, luckily I did just that. The make or break hand came up when I found 9s9c on the button. The guy two to my right made it 1000. He had varied his bets a lot preflop but had shown against me that if he ever flopped anything he was going to check and let me bluff, so i decided to call and see which line he took. Flop comes AA8 two hearts, he leads out 1k. With a flop like that I'm almost positive he is checking if he had an ace, and especially if he has an overpair. He may be betting a flush draw too, and if that is the case he will surely check if he hits it on the turn. Keep in mind I've been playing with this guy for 6 hours and he has a lot of obvious betting pattern tells. I call, turn completes the flush with the 4 of hearts. He leads 2k. Weird considering almost everyone would slow down here, especially a guy who's slowplayed every big hand he's had against me. I call the 2k. The river is an offsuit jack. I actually hate this river because a bluff hand like KhJx now gets there. I'm praying he bets, because if he checks I fear I lose to a jack that he will not fold, and I don't really wanna turn my hand into a bluff. He puts me allin for like 4.5k. I think for a bit and decide to trust the gut and call. He mucks his hand and I'm back in the game. I chip up a bit and leave that table with 41k. It takes ten minutes at my new table to even see the first hand because this guy is taking forever. He finally folds and I get to see my first's AA. First time I've seen that all day. I raise, a shortstack shoves and tables A9o and I win a little pot and am up to 52k. Now, the annoying hand comes. The table has seemingly labeled me an internet kid and is looking to play back at me with any two cards so my plan is to play tight. I look down at QQ and make it 2100 to go (400-800 blinds). I get called in 4 spots, lol. The board comes 942 rainbow, and I lead 5200 into the pot. I get called by the guy who has now taken a combined twenty minutes on two different decisions. Evereyone folds and we see a Kd turn card. I'm a bit worried about a set, but with our stack sizes checking and calling off doesnt really give me the info I need and check folding is not really ever an option. I decide this guy is incapable of making a play for all his chips so if he comes over the top of me, he must have flopped a set. I bet 8200 and he immediately goes allin for 30k. If I'm going to trust my read in big calls I have to trust them in big laydowns, so I annoyingly muck my hand. I lost a couple other small pots and limped into day 2 with 26,200 in chips and blinds starting out at 600-1200 tomorrow. Frustrating end to the day but with 20 big blinds all I need is one double up, or to pick up a few small pots early and I'm right back in the hunt. Until that time....

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